I'm a pretty big nerd, but I've never been much of a Star Wars fan (I know), yet for some reason today cracks me up. Life has been super busy and crazy since Easter. I've been in the process of trying to find a new affordable home for Miss Bella and myself, which is enough work in it's own. I also totally slacked on my clean eating, I'm sad.
Life has just been beyond stressful for the last couple of weeks. I feel like after I got back from Mass. visiting my family in March life just tanked. I have an aunt who was diagnosed with cancer back before Christmas and I went home in March to make sure I got to see her before I didn't get that chance again. You just never know. I'm praying for her every day and hoping that she'll get better. Then my dad (and don't you dare tell his mother) ended up in the hospital with a virus that just knocked him on his ass. I received a phone call and it was "now don't be mad, but I'm on my way home from the ER, you're father is staying the night in telemetry." WHAT!?!?! Who starts a conversation like that!? Anyways, hes totally fine, he was just wicked dehydrated from the virus. He went home the next day and two days later my mom caught the same thing (hah). It freaked me out because he started picking up smoking again after he had one too many cigars celebrating life with another family member. My first thought is emphysema or worse. And of course he's pissed at me for getting another tattoo. Then their new dog Jack that they adopted has been off and on sick, and I'm not sure anyone really knows what's going on with him. In the meantime, I got really stressed out in my own life, just with every day things which started to give me actual chest pains (I'm way too young for that shit). Then today I found out one of my cousins was in a car accident, and was almost crushed between a tree and a car. Luckily she made it away with only a few broken ribs and bruised lungs. I'm so thankful her son wasn't with her, and I'm thankful that it wasn't worse. I'm not by any means a religious person, I used to try to go to church when I was kid, but it was never something I was pushed to do. But, recently, I've been reading bible versus like crazy, and praying over and over that someone out there will give my family a break.
I went to the music festival that I won tickets to and I had an absolute blast until I was so drunk I couldn't function. With all the stress in my life, no wonder. It's hard being 700 miles away, and not being able to do anything. I hope my family knows that if it came down to it, I would be home in a heart beat if I needed to be. So I just wanted to give everyone the update, and sorry I haven't posted any awesome recipes recently, but hopefully Cinco De Mayo will be promising. I'm shooting for chicken enchiladas and black bean hummus.
With all that being said. . .
"God sometimes takes us into troubled waters not to drown us, but to cleanse us."
I thought that was fitting.
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