Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Cinco De Mayo, A Day Late

Happy Cinco De Mayo!!! A day late!! I did get around to making the Chicken Enchiladas. . mmm so good. But I didn't get to make the black bean hummus (because I had nothing to dip in it, oops.)

Chicken Enchiladas
So Good

I'll be posting the recipe on my recipe page shortly after this!!! They're supposed to be "skinny" but I think the flour tortillas and the cheese trump that.

I've been trying to get myself back on track with the health kick since I kind of lost touch with that for a couple weeks. So to start that off I had a pretty healthy breakfast the last two days.

Geen Tea, Scrambled Egg Whites With Cottage Cheese and English Muffin With Nutella And Strawberries
My favorite, I LOVE my English muffings with Nutella and strawberries. I also went to The Fresh Market and bought some strawberries. Someone please explain to me why I can buy Driscoll's strawberries at The Fresh Market and they're super red, delicious and PERFECT. . but when I buy Driscoll's strawberries at Kroger they're mushy, on the way out!?! I don't get it. The Fresh Market for any fruit and veggies from now on I think.
Look at the size of that thing!!!!
Strawberries are so good. There's a local strawberry farm that's about to open, hopefully, this weekend and I'm going to be there picking for sure. Spring/Summer is my favorite time of the year for fruit for obvious reasons, they're actually in season. So to celebrate my love for strawberries and the fact that I have about 3lbs of them I have to eat by the weekend before I pick more, I made my own strawberry yogurt bites!!
Ah boy, the pictures crooked.
So all I did was blend together a bunch of strawberries with Greek yogurt and then used some parchment paper to make a small funnel and I squeezed a bunch of dots out. Then I placed them in the freezer once they were done I went ahead and popped them off into another container (which is also still in the freezer). This way when I'm craving something sweet, instead of raiding my Nutella I'll be going straight for these babies. I'm on my second batch.
Sweet Baby
Everyone knows how much I love to snuggle my baby girl. I mean look at her. She's so cute. I honestly can't even imagine my life without her. I was talking about everything she's been through today with a leasing consultant at a new apartment complex I'm looking at. And I think I've had it rough. This poor girl has been fed improperly, practically starved, full of worms. . saved...and then neglected on the weekends by my ex. And yet, she still has so much love to give. She's currently snuggling the TV remote. . . like I said a LOT of love to give. So I'm pretty sure I have our living situation figured out, fingers crossed. So this morning I was cleaning a little and she was doing her usual, snuggling in my bed.
Just her face showing. So naturally I snapped that picture and then laid down on the bed with her. Then I noticed them. TICKS. Let me back up though. So Bella suffers from dermatitis, and she has to have an anti-bacterial bath at least once a month. For some reason it only happens in the spring/summer, and I'm thinking there's something in the grass that's rubbing her belly and making this happen. So her dermatitis was starting to act up and I said oh man she really needs to have one of her baths. I looked at her medicine which states "okay to use with regular baths and swimming" and then I read the bottle of shampoo "okay to use with flea drops".....verdict. . . LIES. I bathed Bella and then we took a walk around the apartment complex later that afternoon. Today. . . 9 ticks. One of them was buried so deep, I had to dig it out. The worst feeling in the world is hurting my baby. She was crying and scratching for me to stop, but I had to get them out. So she's okay, but now my bed is in total disinfect mode. We're, and by that I mean me, is washing EVERYTHING she came into contact with. I had to check myself and her. . 45 minutes later of checking and poking and pulling, I think we're tick free. I feel like it's lice. So that means that now I need to have her blood work done, which she's due for anyways. Ugh money. . real life problems. Just glad she doesn't hate me.
Music Festival
So that sunburn, is totally peeling, but I still kept some of the color. Pool time where are you!? I was feeling like a babe that day. The pants I just bought, already feeling loose, and the shirt a size smaller than usual. Best feeling ever. So tonight, to stay on track, I will be walking with my friend probably at the bike trail. Unfortunately, Bella will have to stay home. I want her new dose of flea and tick to fully absorb before I expose her to a possible chance of getting ticks again. Also, my neighbors are currently smoking (cigarettes, you weirdos) and because it's nice out it's coming into my apartment through my windows. GROSSSSS. Why. . why!?. . WHY!?!?!? It's such a disgusting habit, if I could just get my dad to stop. I'll be febreeze-ing with some "fluffy vanilla" shortly.
"You have more to do than be weighed down by pretty or beautiful. You are a fiery heart and a wicked brain. Do not let you soul be defined by its shell."

1 comment:

  1. When you go back to the vet you might ask about NexGard. It is pricey but it is an oral flea AND tick preventative. The ticks are so bad in that area and with those baths you might want to consider it. It works for 30 days and my dogs LOVED the taste. Good luck either way.
