Wednesday, April 2, 2014


Hey y'all! Welcome to my blog! My names Jessica and I am a 20-something from Massachusetts residing in the heart of Virginia (where it's a hell of a lot warmer). I have no desire to move back to New England, sorry fam, love ya, mean it! Since 2012 I have been on a life changing journey to be healthy. I had gone through a rough patch and found myself at the lowest of lows. I knew I needed to change. Since then I have lost, that I've actually kept track of, about 46lbs. I am not by any means a gym freak or a nutritionist.....just a girl simply looking to be healthy. I finally feel it's time to share this with the world! I'll be sharing many of my progress pictures, recipes that I love, and even fun things I have going on in my life.

 My baby, Bella and I at Christmas 2013, she is my world, my savior

 So let me give you a little background on myself. I have always struggled with weight even though I was an active child. I played soccer, marched in the band, all different types of dance including ballet and just regular acrobats, as well as competitive style gymnastics. I rode my bike everywhere as a kid, but I was always just "bigger". Many people through out middle school picked on me, called me names and some of that even carried through to high school. I always thought I had a great group of friends, until they turned on me. Rumors were spread in high school, making me hate every second of being there. Why do people have to be so cruel? I knew I needed out, that I need a fresh start somewhere. I ended up in Virginia for college, and graduated in 2010 with a B.S. in Biology. I never really dated any one which was fine, I was busy attending events with my sorority, Alpha Sigma Alpha. Who would have thought, I, the girl who hated girls would join an entire organization of them! 

Goodness! We was some fine ladies. 

Did I mention I went to a small private christian based college?? Our sorority maxed out at 50 girls, and I think that was plenty enough. It really gave us the ability to have close tight-knit relationships, which also created problems, but I wouldn't change it for the world. I truly felt at home with these ladies, and still do. I was able to foster some amazing relationships and I know no matter how far away, or how long we go without talking that they're my sister and nothing will change between us. I knew that being with these girls, I WAS ME. I am now the Chapter Advisor for the same chapter that helped shape who I am today.

My BEAUTIFUL big and myself at New Years 2014!!!

Any ways I graduated college in 2010 with that B.S. I mentioned above, and struggled to find a job as most new graduates do. I did it though, and I ended up with some fabulous jobs. I actually sound really smart on paper. I worked for a company temporarily doing research to help develop a test method for a new product they were developing. I was then offered a full-time position in a research center performing enzyme restriction on mass produced synthetic DNA for sequencing purposes. I left that job for someone I thought I would spend the rest of my life with. I then ended up with the company I am now at. My job is to analyze active ingredients in OTC health and beauty care products by HPLC/GC analysis. Sounds super awesome, but really I test soap. I began working a lot, and things became rough in my relationship. It soon ended shortly after I moved, and I found myself scared/lost/confused. I had been blind sided, just 7 days before I had no place to live, the man who promised he'd never hurt me told my dad he couldn't wait to marry me. So imagine the confusion and hurt when he sat me down to say goodbye. 

I am lucky enough to have the friends I do, and I moved in with a friend until I could get back up on my feet and back into my own place. I left my dog behind because I couldn't take her with me, and I hit a low. I thought I had my life together, but found myself like a zombie just roaming through the day, without a purpose. I got myself into my own place, and I knew right then and there things had to change. It didn't happen over night, nothing ever does and that was okay. I finally got Bella back and she helped me more than she'll ever know. Having her forced me to get up in the morning, forced me to get outside and most importantly she showered me with the unconditional love I needed. 

How could you NOT love that face?!?!?

And so it began. . . . my journey to become a healthier version of  myself all around. To eat better, to live better and to feel better. Because, if I cannot love myself and my life then how can I hold any one else to that?? So here's a little before and after to give you an idea of just how far I have brought myself  . . .

I know, right?!?!
So, with all that being said. . . enjoy!


  1. Girl you look great and I'm so proud of you! After college I lost about 60 lbs and although its a struggle to keep it off, it totally changes your life. The person I am today is so wildly different from the person I was 60 pounds ago. The old me never thought about working out and now I kind of freak out if I don't do something every couple days (if not everyday)! It can be really hard though because even though you look like a different person and you think you should feel like this totally amazing glamazon, you're still the same self and sometimes still feel like your 60lbs heavier. So if you ever feel that way, know you're not alone and feel free to reach out to me! Or even if you just want to brag! You've totally earned the right to brag a little! I may be 1600 miles away in CO but I will forever be on my own weight loss journey right next to ya!
    - Nona (Allie) Shipman, ASA (I'm not even going to pretend I remember my bond number, haha!)

  2. So excited you started this blog! Keep it up girlie :)

  3. Chickadee I am so amazed by you! So proud of all youve done for yourself a true woman of poise and purpose. Couldnt be anymore honored to share my letters and great memories with you! Keep it up hottie. ALAM Mallory ZY 140

    Ps nonie its alphabetical so you can maybe figure yours out now teehehe
