I can't stop laughing |
If this doesn't scream NERD ALERT! then I don't know what will. I think any scientist can appreciate this as much as I do. If you don't get it, well I almost feel sorry for you. ::Sigh:: I'm such a geek.
Anyways Bella and I enjoyed a nice walk around the apartment complex this morning with our friend. It was a bit crisp, but I'm glad we went when we did because the rain hit shortly after.
Thankfully I got paid today, because I was seriously lacking food in my house and I was getting a little nervous. I looked up some recipes that I'd like to try within the next two weeks. Healthy chicken enchiladas and homemade black bean hummus. I'm also going to splurge and make spaghetti bread (not healthy, but totally worth it). Like I've said plenty of times before, it's okay to splurge a little. I'll be making the spaghetti bread and it'll be required to last me a weeks worth of food, so I won't have huge portion sizes. I'll most likely be making the chicken enchiladas on Sunday for my week, I'll be sure to post the recipe when I do!! I would have made the black bean hummus but the grocery store was out of chipotle peppers and I wasn't about to drive around like a weirdo all day looking for a pepper. While I was at the grocery store I tried to get myself to be healthy with my purchases. I bought lots of fruit: cantaloupe, strawberries, pineapple and grapes. I bought organic chicken which was actually on sale and even cheaper with my coupon than "regular" chicken for the enchiladas. I picked up some more Nutella (I'm not even going to explain that one haha). Greek yogurt which I plan on blending with either the pineapple or the strawberries and make my own yogurt bites. Cottage cheese, because it's super high in protein and delicious.
Look at the size of that guy |
Well, tomorrow is the music festival!!! Super excited!!! (there's a dog barking outside of my apartment right now that sounds like it smokes about 20 packs of cigarettes, totally distracting). SOOO music festival, I decided to get a little fancy and paint my nails and fix my pedicure.
Not bad for free hand |
The single pink nail matches my toes. I'm more of a dark pink girl when it comes to nail polish colors, unless I'm tan. Once I'm tan, anything bright! Yes please! But here's to tomorrow, drinking wine, listening to music and hopefully not getting sunburned.
I'm smaht |
I'm almost hoping that I have so much fun tomorrow that this will be the result Sunday. . .don't judge. This chick is a little wild sometimes.
"She's whiskey in a teacup"